Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Boy Named Sue

A lot of things have changed since the last post. The most significant that I am willing to share is that I saw The Avengers! No. That's not it. It's that Bethany and I have started talking again.I know, I know, you seem super intereseted. Same girl from before that I treated so poorly is willing to continue to talk to me. Suprising I know. I don't deserve it, but a lot has changed. So, for all those who are willing to read the diatribe that I continually put on the web, this is what has been going on:

Bethany texted me out of no where a few weeks ago. Thank God for the power of alcohol or else I feel she would NOT have begun to speak to me again. For all those who are not aware of how big of piece of shit I can be please refer to my previous post about being an asshole. That shoud explain something. I was also havign a lot of other problems, but that is here nor there.

Bethany texted me out of no where and I was very surprised. I was actually working at the time and it was very late at night. I cannot explain how appreciative that I am that she was willing to move past what I was. Both of us made mistakes, but I was 90% of those problems. Here is where I would make a joke, but this isn't that kind of post. Sorry. Suck it. After she texted me we fell back into our normal sarcastic, asshole-ish, The Office quoting, dumbshit. I love it. I fear that no one will understand me as much as she does. No matter who I am with at the current time. It's weird. If you don't understand then hang around us for five minutes. You will feel SUPER out of place. And you should. Arrested Development is hilarous. If you can't quote it religously then that is your problem.

We began texting and eventually went to the movies together. We fell into the normal sarcastic vibe that we always had and it was........comforting. We later went out for Mother's Day. I haven't done anything specific for that day in a while. I felt compelled to do something special because I could not believe that I got another shot to be something special in our lives. I can honestly say that I am a little intoxicated while writing this, bugt I know that I won't feel shitty in the morning. Tonight is the first night that I told her that I wrote the story of our......"break-up?" "Seperation?" I don't know how to describe it. Doesn't matter. But we went our to eat and it was awesome. Drinks after that. It was ridiculous. I fear that no other female will truly understand me the way Bethany does. Freaks me out. The girl I've been with is super supportive and can't ask for anything more. But because Bethany actually has the site location for this I must say, "Hi. How are your? How is Mike? Hope he is AWESOME!" By the way, if you haven't figured it out, "Bethany" is a code name. It's your middle name.
In conclusion, tonight was better than expected. Yes, she cried. Only because she has had some SERIOUS shit happen within the last few months. I've gone through something very much in the same vain. I understand how she feels. I made it happen, but explained myself immediately. She listened. Then she understood. Awesome. After leaving the restaraunt and going for drinks I took her home. We had an awesome and complicated conversation Either way it was fun. I hope everyone understands. This was a good, positive, drunk post. Thanks. I'm going to bed.......Dicks.